Backlogs, Universities, Blagos, Jobs, etc...
I have an interesting week (or rest-of-the-week!) ahead.
If only I had more time, to blog about it! ;-)
[Being back up here, in the PAC Atrium area (actually, in the classroom where I used to spend all morning/night on Sipe exams ;-), really is conducive, to getting stuff done!]
posted by Aakash at 2:08 AM
Darn it!
Blast the backlog, Blago-blogging... (though backlog was about to be blasted, anyway!)
with the George Ryan verdict, this timing is bad. (Though in that case, it was due to political considerations; Wish it was earlier. This time, it's personal! [as I just Tweeted]
Aside from the fact that I was resting today (before long days tomorrow & Thursday), and there was a good episode of Law&Order (it was Matlock last time - but that's not what I meant
in '06, which is why I added the prior-entry link, to the "
different time" text
there. And this time, when just flipped back to TNT, saw it's episode I recall well, anyway) - Here's the thing:
I have
had a backlog here, of drafts-saved, blog entries I've been frustrating about not having published, and partially-written posts. I've tried various other strategies, to get this blog going again, but it hasn't worked out. A large part of it (very-large part!!) was an
ultra-hectic schedule, along with
blogging-'fatigue' (which I know happens to many bloggers, some time after they've started). But there were also focus & concentration issues (which goes along with what I just mentioned).
However, I recently decided that, until I get a job I want, this fall (a GOP campaign position!), I will delve into the "Web2.0" monetization aspect. I have dipped my toes into it before, and then tried to optimize (but my that time, those above-mentioned factors had decreased my blogging rate, and thus, web traffic... I think 2005 was the last time when I've had a major blog buzz. [Well, maybe aside from the 2008 "Defending the American Dream" Summit,
when I was on Bloggers Row.]
Also: I am now skilled at "content-promotion" - which will enhance these efforts. (I was already doing some of that, though sometimes in ways I realize may've been considered non-mannerly! #netiquette) There are now SO MANY newfangled services, for this
type of thing.
In the past, I've had plans, and potential, insofar as this, but in the majority of cases, those have had to be suspended, or have not come to fruition.
However, it looks like this could be a positive exception to that trend! (Then again, I do hope to get on staff soon, and when that job comes, I will gladly start working, during this crucial year!!)
I say this, because in only recent days, I've actually published several new blog entries (at an alternate weblog), and also cleared a prior backlog (at another blog, though that post was almost entirely-written; There's no excuse for not posting that earlier! #fail). And I do plan to complete some of the older drafts, at this blog, as well. (That will feel quite good, I think! :-)
Knowing that this Blagojevich jury situation was coming up, I was glad, when the it looked like the verdict was taking awhile, as I needed some more time, to catch up! Anticipating this, I saved a draft (below), intended to recap what's happened, over the past year, and link to those [external] blog entries, which I recently did. I will publish that draft soon, but for now:
4:42 PM]... From MSNBC (or was that CNN? I've now switched to our local station,
WICS), I saw that the jury had convicted our former Governor, on one charge (a perjury one), but have failed to reach a verdict, on the many other charges.
As I just mentioned on Twitter though, this should make tomorrow ("Democrat Day" at the State Fair) somewhat odd! :-) #awkward
I'm glad I had a chance to run downstairs, and get some Red Bull, during this entry. I'm actually going to click "Publish" now, and then add hyperlink annotations (and grammar corrections, etc.) later on. I'll also publish the draft (below), and then do a new post, linking to those outside pieces.
Please pray that I will get that campaign job soon.
In the mean time, I will try and get this (monetized!) Web2.0 stuff optimized, or at least off-the-ground!!
Note: And, I will probably post more coverage (Prof. Kent Redfield is talking right now, after Jon Gray Noll, on WICS... My former UIS professor just mentioned that it is bad for the Democrats, as it doesn't take the corruption issue off the table), either appended here, or in new entries. Once again, I really wish I had a few more days! :-)
posted by Aakash at 4:19 PM