Monday, December 31, 2012
I'm trying (though I've tried before!) to get back into the Blogosphere, and actually use it for semi-professional purposes.
That would probably require a reboot here (for me to stop worrying about my backlog, and the YEARS worth of content that would've been great to have posted about, but never was).
And while I think I'll probably keep this Blogger Classic Template (I'm one who does not like change!), the blogroll needs drastic revision - So many of those sites are alas no longer even up!
And my WordPress blog - which seemed like it had potential when I jump-started it in August 2010 - needs upgrading, as well. It was originally installed in 2007, and I recall reconnecting with Jeremy Clover - after I jump-started it in 2010 - about an upgrade. I still need to figure that out... WordPress has changed since then.
I'm glad to have posted a Christmas Eve entry here (below) - That was done quickly, amidst what's become my annual Christmas Eve blitz (like in 2010 and 2011)... It actually published wrong, because I didn't realize, with the new (newer, newer, new :-) Blogger format, the HTML field doesn't recognize line-breaks, like before.
Like in prior years, there was a bunch of Christmas-related content that I wish I could've posted, but didn't. And like in prior years, we've extended Christmas!
Like I did two years ago at my WordPress site (and I see I did here, too), I'm going to write and publish a "Year-end Angst" entry. And like year-after-year, I'm a few hours behind on everything tonight - Then again, I'm also a few days behind, at least. Maybe we can extend 2012, a little longer? :-)
That year-end post was going to go here, but it will be published next.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, to you and yours!!
posted by Aakash at 10:33 PM
Monday, December 24, 2012
(Don't even have the time to mention my backlog or much background... I was hoping (see prior posts) to reboot this weblog anyway, and not have to worry about that!
When at West Side just a bit ago, I was thinking about how on Christmas Eve last year, I also missed (I think) the Christmas Eve church service - but I recall posting, via Twitlonger from my Android Samsung smartphone.
I was going to do so again... But haven't had the chance to post anything yet - except on FourSquare! I also remembered how I used my Droid to post a Blogger draft (or perhaps publish the entry?) - I really need to get back into all this!
I was glad to be in contact with Josh Sabo & Christi Walden (via Web2.0) earlier today - and I was easily able to find my Twitlonger piece from last year, and from the year before. [In 2010, I also posted at my WordPress blog!] ||
It's it neat being able to know what you were doing in Christmases past (without having to try & remember)? #lol
Last year, I was going to head to Central Baptist Church, but from the lobby (& then parking lot) of WestSide, I did a phone web search, and saw that my good friend from high school's church (Parkway Christian Church, where his father is the pastor) was having a Christmas Eve service. I called the church, to see if Ben was going to be there; she told me he was (and she let him know I was coming)! It was good to see Ben - we hadn't spoken since the Iraq War was starting, back in 2003.
I ended up going to CBC after that - for the end of their Candlelight Service. Not only did I see Josh, but I saw Christi Walden as well!
This time
Right now, I'm at Capernaum House, after leaving West Side's Fireside Cafe. After going somewhere with Mark, I'm going to CBC for their service... Parkway's isn't until 11pm tonight!
(As I said before: Wouldn't it be neat if church services were at 11pm, more often?! :-)
posted by Aakash at 7:10 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2012
This has been my personal weblog, since the Fall 2002 semester, when I first moved onto campus as an undergraduate student. Things seemed much better in the Blogosphere (and elsewhere) during those times.
I wish I'd been maintaining this blog, in more-recent years. I actually have been active in the Blogosphere (among other activities!) during much of that time. This particular weblog has been stalled, as I've had a backlog of thoughts, ideas, and half-written pieces that I've been meaning to publish, but so often don't get around to!
It was a little less than a year ago that I really felt the need to write about a contemporary issue in Illinois, being debated by the General Assembly - as well as another issue, being debated by the Minnesota Legislature. Both of those relate to bigger national issues, so I still hope to write about them. (I became somewhat sick around that time last year - though that thankfully didn't last too long.)
At the moment, there's another pressing issue, for which I didn't want any delay, before commenting.
Note: This is a working blog entry, which may be amended; I wanted to get something up about this ASAP, however.
Chik-fil-A, and false attacks
It was when visiting Brookens Library a few weeks ago that I came across prominently-posted flyers making certain claims about the popular Chik-fil-A restaurant. Apparently the University (UIS) is considering adding a Chik-fil-A to campus. (Chik-fil-A used to be at White Oaks Mall some years ago, but left... It had to do, I think, with the Mall not wanting to allow them to be closed on Sundays, which is Chik-fil-A policy.)
The complaints against Chik-fil-A (which are overviewed in this newspaper article, and have been raised, at some other campuses) allege that Chik-fil-A is a 'known anti-gay organization' and that its founder ' donated nearly $2 million in 2009 to anti-gay organizations.'
Fractured facts
In looking closer at the latter claim, it seems that this is a reference to the WinShape Foundation (a Christian charity that receives most of its funding from Chik-fil-A). WinShape was originally founded to provide student scholarships; it now has many functions, including the operation of foster homes in the U.S. and Brazil.
In the year 2009, WinShape contributed $1,733,699 to certain organizations - which are being labeled as "anti-gay."
-- However: The 2nd-highest recipient among these organizations is actually the FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES (FCA)!
FCA is a VERY mainstream organization.
Just a month ago, the Central Illinois chapter held their annual banquet here in Springfield, Illinois, at which star quarterback Colt McCoy was present.
Of all the issues addressed by FCA over its 57-year existence, the issue of homosexuality has probably been spoken of very rarely... It's not a major focus. If it is brought up, it's been done so in reflection of the Christian viewpoint.
FCA has long been recognized as a mainstream Christian organization. I don't know if they have a chapter at UIS, but they do at the larger state universities in Illinois - and throughout the country.
Fighting Illini (Univ. of IL) FCA:
-- And of these "anti-gay organizations," the 3rd-highest recipient was the NATIONAL CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION (NCF).
The NCF is the largest Christian grant-making foundation in the world, and has given over $3 BILLION in grants to churches, ministries, charities, and non-profits, across the globe.
Among the many recipients of NCF grants include some non-profit organizations that are socially conservative (and which believe that homosexuality is wrong). But to say that because conservative organizations were among the (numerous) recipients of NCF grants - that that makes NCF an "anti-gay organization" - is very wrong.
NCF was featured just this week in an article in Philanthropy Roundtable magazine.
The Charity Navigator watchdog organization gives the National Christian Federation the highest (4/4 stars) rating.
-- Another of the supposedly "anti-gay organizations" that WinShape has donated to is CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST. This is one of the most major (and 'mainstream') Christian student organizations in the United States! They don't have a chapter at UIS, but they do at many larger universities, in Illinois and throughout the country.
University of IL chapter:
Further resources:
-- Here is an OP-ED from this semester, when this issue arose at another university.
According to Rob Furia, NINETY-NINE PERCENT of that aforementioned $1,733,699 given in the year 2009 went to organizations whose only "fault" are that they are Christian.
-- Chik-fil-A & WinShape founder Truett "Bubba" Cathy with Bernice King (daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr.)
The Chik-fil-A company itself has NO POSITION on the current political issues.
posted by Aakash at 11:09 PM
Sunday, April 08, 2012
As mentioned in my entry below: I've now been blessed with an interim laptop computer (until I get a new one)... I also have a place to move into, and will finally be moving out of this house!
My productivity will hopefully skyrocket soon. I've also been needing to set up that 'home office' for awhile. Now, several of these issues are going to be resolved, I think.
Among these tasks I may finally make headway in is a blogging 'reboot.' (See prior entries.)
For now however: I wanted to say... HAPPY EASTER, to you and yours!!
Prior Easter entries, at this weblog: here and here.
But especially see the Easter entry I posted last year, at the CRNC Midwest site.
posted by Aakash at 11:57 PM
Laptops, Backlogs, and Business
Thanks to Dave Rawlins (a new friend who I met, through iWorship Center church) for loaning me a laptop... That's one of the key items I've needed, during this period. I'm trying to make progress, in the career arena (including insofar as Web2.0 and blogging, which could be a part of that!) - There is so much I need to get done... and we're running behind!
It isn't because of the laptop lack that I haven't been blogging. That has become a struggle of sorts (as it has for many, who started blogging when I did - or even thereafter!).
My laptop (after having been repaired by Kiran, from the Young Adults group at West Side Christian Church) went back out-of-commission in December; that happened shortly after I participated in a 5Stone Marketing (I'm interning with them) Conference Call, and needed to e-mail the notes from it.
The laptop going down actually wasn't entirely a bad thing (same with when it had happened, in August)... I needed the respite, from all that! Around the same time my laptop most-recently had that issue, my Android had one as well... which is definitely not always a bad thing. ;-)
So I've had access to my laptop, and did do some blogging (here and elsewhere) around Thanksgiving and Christmastime. In November, I was thinking that it's time for a 'reboot' at this site. " University Blog 2.0"?? :-)
...Even while I haven't had access to my own laptop, I was using my dad's (which I just returned tonight). So that wasn't the issue.
But now that I have one (thanks to Dave), I really need to get through these pending tasks: There are a bunch that I've been needing to do, after the 2012 Illinois primary... and insofar as setting up a freelance political & technology consulting "business" (or applying for other jobs, and/or joining an existing firm).
I'm doing tasks for my 5Stone internship, and need to do take up some freelane Web Design, as well.
And I hope I can get something underway, insofar as blogging/ad-revenue, etc.
For now... Happy Easter!
posted by Aakash at 11:45 PM
Friday, January 06, 2012
Merry Christmas!
I'm still behind on things (it's been hard to focus & concentrate, this winter... though perhaps it's been slightly betfer this time?).
But before it's finally over: Merry Christmas to you and yours!! ☞☞☞ ☞☞☞ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
(I think maybe we should observe an extra day this time, due to the weekend. :-) Labels: Christmas
posted by Aakash at 11:25 PM