Glenn Beck begins...
As mentioned, in the update to my last post, Glenn Beck is now coming on stage. That chalkboard is up on stage, as well.
I wanted to do a blog entry, amidst the "Restoring Honor" Rally, with a compilation of conservative dissent. I am not pleased with what I've heard, regarding the theological nature of that event. (There were some other problems with the main thrusts of the rally, as well.)
I'm glad Glenn started his speech, with a critique of President George W. Bush!
Glenn Beck criticized some "who are supposed to be on our side"... He mentioned Trent Lott who recently said that we have to do something about these Tea Party people.
[Note: Former Senator Lott is not a "RINO" per se, but his leadership was as such.]
Beck is emphasizing reaching out, to the other side... He's not talking about elected officials, but our neighbors.
(His leftist neighbor thought he was wearing an American flag swimsuit... But it's actually a Cuban flag!)
Note: He mentioned how he got calls on his show about how "you shouldn't take on the right"... But he said he's not 'taking on the right'; he's taking on the GOP Establishment. (Now, that's what I want to hear!! I think that Sean Hannity, and to a lesser-extent, Hush Bimbo, need to listen up!!)
Glenn Beck talks about how he used to reverse Theodore Roosevelt (had a bust of Teddy in his room; it's now the bathroom doorstop). He challenged us to learn more about T.R., and how he brought us the "Progressive" movement.
This sounds kind of like my change-of-mind, regarding Abraham Lincoln.
Beck is bashing Woodrow Wilson... I'm glad he got to the foreign-policy (mentioned that he brought us the "League of Nations") - but what about the neocon problem? (EPICFAIL!!! ;-)
The neocons push a "progressive" foreign policy based on Wilsonian idealism, and strongly linked to liberal internationalism. (We've gone over this topic, time and time again, year after year, haven't we? ;-)
Now, Glenn Beck is talking about God, and citing Benjamin Franklin.
While most of our Founders were Christians, some weren't... I'm thinking Ben Franklin may have been one who wasn't.
Is Glenn Beck still a Mormon? If he is, then he isn't a Christian!
This is one reason why many Christians had major problems, with the "Restoring Honor" Rally.
Beck mentioned people who are suffering, and hurting. He said that if we don't do these things ourselves (help them), then the government must... So we need to put the government out of business!
[Note: I think what Beck was emphasizing is that we should do serve, and take the place of government... He then showed that triangle, and the inverted triangle, regarding what government was intended to do, and what it has become.]
"Get away from my french fries, Mrs. Obama!" [large applause]
[Note: Check out ~ My stomach was already starting to grumble; Had to rush here; Hardly had anything today.]
The first person who comes at him, with a carrot stick, he has a place for it... And it isn't in his tummy! (He said, right now the press is running out... They've got a story! - These people ARE violent! They're threatening things, with carrot sticks!)
Glad that Beck advocated term limits. What ever happened to that?
This is a populist movement (for Congressional term limits), which I think can attract many liberal, Democrat, and independent voters. That helped us some, in 1994; too bad the GOP Congress didn't aggressively pursue that enough!
Uh oh... Glenn Beck quoted Thomas Jefferson, regarding God (there was - UNFORTUNATELY - a small spattering of applause; perhaps from agnostics?).
He mentioned that Alveda King (need to do blog entry on her, and the late Angel Joy Rocker) was terrified to walk out on that stage. He is emotionally talking about how she mentioned that her uncle was killed, for what he said; her daughter cautioned her to just come home (her uncle and grandfather were killed).
[Note: Dr. Alveda King's father, the Rev. A.D. King, died the year after his younger brother was assassinated. A.D. may also have been assassinated; he was apparently found dead in the pool, but the cause is disputed, I think.]
Dr. Alveda King, who spoke, at UIUC (as I've blogged about here before), will be speaking, in Springfield, IL, at this year's annual Right-to-Life Banquet. I've been wanting to meet her, for awhile.
Beck: We are forty days and forty nights away, from restoring... America!
[It will take a lot longer than that, I think... And I'm not just referencing the lame-duck issue.] But having
tough-as-nails CONSERVATIVE Republicans in office is crucial. The "Republican Revolution" was stifled last time, because of too many "moderate Republicans" in Congress, who refused to push for the Contract with America principles.
We need to WORK HARD, to pick up as many U.S. Congress seats as possible, and especially with conservative and pro-liberty candidates!
A moving rendition of "God Bless America" is being done. Some are leaving right now, but the vast majority is staying, and standing, as this is happening!
(I think if this were a Democrat or "progressive" [liberal!] rally, it would be the opposite situation... Then again, would they even have this song on stage, at all?]
posted by Aakash at 9:12 PM
Aaron Schock
I didn't realize he was going to be next... Congressman Schock is my U.S. Representative (and only 1 month older than I!!).
Update: I posted an entry (which is actually comprehensible, I think... Despite aforesaid circumstances! :-) at
the CRNC Midwest blog. Then, had to rush to interview room (after my Congressman's speech); Didn't want to be in back again.
I got some video there [didn't get a chance to Tweet it; the first of those I can't - as of yet without some trimming, as I didn't press "STOP" ;-)... The second was a Mankato, MN reporter, asking about youth issues. That's precisely what we deal with... but when I tried speaking to her, immediately afterwards, she seemed disinterested. I hope she was being straightforward; Anyway, am about to [Uber]Tweet that video, right now.]
I even gave Aaron a flyer, re: my upcoming benefit; I hope he already knew about it (but from what was said, it didn't seem so). I was hoping to talk to many others about it (printed out a lot of flyers), but I've "epicfail"-ed, thus far. Fortunately, there's a
Right Nation 2010 after-party, at the Marriot. Maybe I'll get a chance then.
Anyway, Glenn Beck is coming on, now...
posted by Aakash at 8:26 PM
Andrew Breitbart
When I was in the interview room with Mr. Breitbart (right as I came in, we were invited there), I heard him talking about astroturfed protesters, against him... I didn't realize, until he just started speaking, that he was talking about
earlier today (maybe while I was rushing through the interstates, to get up here), at this very event!!
[Where are those people now? On their bus, on the way home!]
Two "Stop the Hate" people called him a "homosexual." None of them could answer his questions. (I wish I'd been there... But apparently, it's all on video.)
As I live-Tweeted (from the interview room): I hope Mr. Breitbart saw
my blog entry, on Dr. Christina Jeffrey (re: the Sherrod situation).
posted by Aakash at 8:24 PM
I'm here at Right Nation 2010. I'm on Bloggers Row. I'd wanted to, last night/this morning, post an entry (here, &
here), to prepare you all (if anyone still reads here!) about this. This weblog has been in a jam, and backlogged, etc.
Live-blogging with events like this breaks through that (like the last time I was on a Bloggers Row, at the 2008 "Defending the American Dream" Summit.
I ended up being 45 minutes late (no excuse, despite coming up from Springfield). Then, it was a chore, getting on this wi-fi (before that though, I was in the interview room, with
Andrew Breitbart, who is now speaking, right after our next state Governor,
Bill Brady).
Please see my #RN2010 Tweets:
I will start the blogging now.
posted by Aakash at 8:11 PM