No time even for being busyHello all... Long time no see! ;-)
This is Aakash again. I was talking to Nathan on Monday night, thanking him for his help at this blog during this exceptionally busy time for me. I was also asking him if he could be at our
College Republicans meeting (which was held Tuesday night) - we were having an important guest speaker there, and I did not want to be embarrassed by low attendance.
As has been the case before, I had a working list of things to blog about, and some entries that were roughly slated for publication here (when I got the time for that). But then again, I still have planned entries from last year (actually, from 2004 and 2003) that have never been posted...
Right now, there is no time for any of that, though. (And it is not just because I have class in about 45 minutes - for which I still have to finish the homework assignment.) It is because yesterday, in the midst of preparing for that night's College Republicans meeting, I received an e-mail that was sent to the entire listing of bloggers for
the "Pro-Life Blogs" community (which I recently joined). Tim, the administrator of that listing, typically does not send out e-mails to the entire list, but he did yesterday, due to the urgent nature of the situation...

By now, many of you have hopefully heard about
Terri Schindler Schiavo.
[latest news]I wish I had been following that case more closely - that e-mail indicated that on this day (Wedneday), at
1:00 PM EST, Terri's husband, Michael Schiavo, was planning stopping Terri from receiving food and water,
so that she would begin to slowly starve to death. Thankfully, the judge in that case issued a stay until 5:00 PM EST today - and I think that the court was going to hear further arguments this morning. I
just saw that the stay has now been extended
until Friday (Feb. 25th).
I am simply going to re-post here the e-mail that I received yesterday from Tim at Pro-Life Blogs. Please read through this e-mail, and do what it suggests. (It provides
the contact information for Governor Jeb Bush...)
We must act NOW - to prevent this senseless murder.Please read this e-mail that I'm posting here, and please do what it asks. Let's all keep Terri in our thoughts and prayers, and hopefully, a tragedy can be avoided.
For the latest information, visit and
E-mail sent yesterday:
Dear Pro-Life Friend,
I’m taking the unusual step of emailing the entire pro-life blogs mailing list because of a critical situation that has developed in the case of Terri Schiavo.
Today, the courts rejected the pleas of Terri’s parents to stop her husband, Michael, from withholding food and water from her. He has promised to begin starving her tomorrow at 1 pm.
Most of you are aware that Terri is not a "vegetable" or "brain-dead" as Michael and his lawyers claim, but responds to others and is aware of her surroundings. She laughs, smiles and, according to her nurses, has a small vocabulary.
Terri is not on life support and is healthy. She needs help eating and is fed through a tube (helping someone eat and drink who is impaired has never been considered artificial life support).
While Michael asserts he is carrying out Terri's wishes, he waited until after he received a large sum of money from a lawsuit against her doctors before making this claim . During the lawsuit, he alleged negligence and motivated a financial award with the potential cost of Terri’s rehabilitation.
However, Terri has been denied rehabilitation that experts testify could allow her to eat and talk. The courts in Florida have consistently blocked appeals to give Terri proper tests and therapy that would improve her life.
Terri may not have the capabilities she once had, but she is no less valuable and no less a person.
Here is what you can do to help Terri:
1) Pray for Terri and her family.
2) Blog - communicate the truth about what is going on and rally support for Terri 3) and the Schindlers.
4) Visit BlogsforTerri ( for information and to join the team of blogs for Terri.
5) Deluge Gov. Jeb Bush with emails and phone calls. He has the power to intervene. Here is his contact information:
Governor Jeb Bush
850 / 488-4441
850 / 487-0801 (fax)
6) Support HB701 (click here).
7) Important - Bypass the Mainstream Media - pledge support a paid advertisement in the St. Petersburg Tribune to inform its 450,000 paid subscribers about what is really happening to Terri. []
Your participation in help is desperately needed.
Thank you for standing-up for Life.
P.S. I’ve set-up a special aggregator that displays only posts about Terri Schiavo. You can see what our 200+ members are saying here []
More Information at
posted by Aakash at 5:11 PM